My yearbook entry

- .Well I'm Jeremy Robberson, A High School Freshman. I am a swimmer, I've beens swimming for about 5 years and am now in the senior group at loveland swim club. Truth is that before, I loved math, until we started to get into all of this complicated stuff. I still enjoy it sometimes, but now I really like other sciences more. I am from Guatemala, born there, my dad is American and my mom is Guatemalan. I just moved here for my freshmen year. We were supposed to stay but we just miss home too much so we are moving back this summer. All my life time friends and other part of the family is there. Before, we were moving a lot between Guatemala and the US. Suddenly we just stayed in Guatemala for 6 years. So we settled well, and made really close, life lasting friends. When we moved here it was really different, thus the moving back. Mmmmm... I dont know what else to say about me.
- This program has taught us a lot of things, like always wear your safety glasses on a construction site. A lot of math too, ratios,fractions, Quadratics, Graphing, finding angles, factoring, radicals, Not only math also Construction, roofing, trimming, trusses, stairs, drywall, framing, plumbing, electrical work, etc. Organization, it has also helped me a lot. Organization has remembered me about homework, and not only in Geometry class, but in all my classes. Wearing Safety glasses can save your eye, and can help in a future job. Also be organized, having my yellow pages well organized has helped ne A LOT in a test. Organization has remembered me about homework, and not only in Geometry class, but in all my classes.
- Carrie,Robert... I am moving to Guatemala during the summer, so I don't think I'll be able to see you guys in the house. I really enjoyed helping you guys with the house, I hope you get the most out of it and keep living a happy life. I wish I could see you guys settled in the house later. I still remember making the first wall trusses. It all just went so fast. Now we are already shipping the house out. Amazingly, I remember what I did every single construction day. I have a lot of good memories and I bet you too. This was such a good experience, and I think not only or me, but for you guys too. So thank you for this whole experience.
Cool blog!